The The Marketing of Madness Education Package is available at no charge to educators, professionals who lecture or conduct symposiums for colleagues and Continuing Medical Education instructors. (Offer limited to one free package per educator or seminar/symposium organizer.)
If you are not an educator or someone who would teach or lecture to others, please order our free information portfolio, which includes a video presentation on the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
The Education Package provides you with the tools you need to teach others about the risks of mind-altering drugs, and how to take effective action in cleaning up the field of mental healing.
The Education Package includes:
- THE MARKETING OF MADNESS: Are We All Insane? DVD: A multi-award-winning documentary telling the story of the high-income partnership between psychiatry and drug companies that has created an $80 billion psychotropic profit center. Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal a dangerous and often deadly sales campaign.
- THE MARKETING OF MADNESS: Are We All Insane? Educator’s Guide: This Guide is a companion to the documentary DVD, The Marketing of Madness—both are based on forty years of research and work with healthcare professionals. With seminars to elicit audience participation, this booklet examines how the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry has reached into our homes, schools and businesses, convincing millions that the only way to solve their problems is to resort to dangerous drugs. The seminars are centered around the 13-chapter film and information booklets on different types of psychotropic drugs. The Educator’s Guide also comes with a glossary to define terms related to psychiatric drugs and fact sheets that can be distributed to the seminar participants.
- Psychotropic Drugs Series booklets: To cut through the marketing hype of drug “benefits,” six booklets provide an easy-to-read reference on the common side effects of psychotropic drugs, as well as available treatment alternatives. Covering antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety/tranquilizers, psychostimulants, and mood stabilizers, this series sheds light on the potential serious risks they represent to consumers. Here are the real facts seldom deciphered from the complex information provided in pharmaceutical packaging. Twenty-four copies of a set of six booklets are provided. If your class or seminar group has over twenty-four students, you can order up to two additional bundles for free.
If you are an educator or professional who holds seminars or who lectures to colleagues on these issues, request your FREE Education Package now. (Your information will be kept private.)